
Is Kangaskhan Overpowered in Pokémon TCG Pocket?

Kangaskhan is stirring up debates in the Pokémon TCG Pocket community, with many players calling it overpowered due to its ability to dominate early-game setups. Its Dizzy Punch attack has sparked conversations across social media, making it one of the most controversial cards in the game’s Genetic Apex expansion.

Why Is Kangaskhan Considered OP?

Kangaskhan, a Colorless Basic Pokémon, stands out in the Genetic Apex set due to its simplicity and impact. Here’s why it’s being called OP:

  • High Damage Potential Early On: Dizzy Punch flips two coins and deals 30 damage per “heads,” with the potential for up to 60 damage in a single turn. This attack costs only one Energy, making it deadly for early-game setups.
  • Tanky Stats for a Basic Pokémon: With 100 HP, Kangaskhan can often survive long enough to snowball into a game-winning position.
  • Meta Disruption: Many popular decks struggle to handle Kangaskhan if it lands consecutive high-damage rolls in the first few turns.

According to one Reddit user, JRH99, Kangaskhan has become the “real enemy boss” of a recent PvP event, and their post has drawn thousands of upvotes.

The Math Behind Dizzy Punch

Dizzy Punch’s damage output is unpredictable but undeniably threatening:

Coin Flip OutcomeDamageProbability
Tails x2025%
Heads, Tails3050%
Heads x26025%

While the average damage is 30 per turn, the potential to deal 60 damage right away can effectively cripple opponents, especially for players starting second.

How to Counter Kangaskhan

Though Kangaskhan can be overwhelming, it’s not unbeatable. Here are strategies to counter it:

  1. Evolve into Ninetales:
    • Start with Vulpix and evolve into Ninetales by turn two.
    • Use Giovanni to deal 100 damage, perfectly matching Kangaskhan’s HP.
    • Tip: Avoid using Blaine unless necessary, as his damage boost is better reserved for larger threats.
  2. Focus on Disruption:
    • Target Kangaskhan early with quick attackers or effects that reduce coin flips, if available.
  3. Survive the First Turn:
    • Understand that Kangaskhan’s 60-damage output happens only in 25% of cases, so plan your defense accordingly.

Where to Find Kangaskhan in Pokémon TCG Pocket

If you’re looking to try out Kangaskhan yourself:

  • Pull it from Genetic Apex packs: It’s available in the Genetic Apex Charizard pack, which remains in circulation even after the next expansion launches in December 2024.
  • Trading Launches in January 2025: If you’re struggling to pull Kangaskhan, trading with other players will soon be an option.

For newer players, check out our beginner’s guide to pulling rare cards to maximize your chances of building strong decks.


Kangaskhan is undoubtedly a powerful card in Pokémon TCG Pocket, particularly due to its high-risk, high-reward attack and sturdy stats for a Basic Pokémon. While counters like Ninetales can help mitigate its dominance, the card’s early-game power continues to challenge even seasoned players.

Whether you’re battling against Kangaskhan or looking to add it to your own deck, understanding its mechanics and probability outcomes is key to navigating its presence in the competitive meta.